Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! After unpicking a million stitches and using up a few rolls of bobbins, I have finally completed my very first blouse that I have made from my dressmaking course!
Sometimes when I look at it I feel like laughing out loud because of the floral prints that looks so... "vintage".
So vintage that everyone kept telling me it's something my grandmother would wear. (-_-)''
My mum was watching my upload the picture that I took and even advised me not to mention anything like "I think this shirt is really pretty!" because I would be embarrassing myself. Nice. I don't care, because even though it didn't really turn out the way that I wanted it to be, I still think that I would wear it out! I just need a bit more time to figure out how to wear the whole look and stuff.
Be patient people! I swear that I would definitely wear it out real soon and post the pictures here! (^_^)
Meanwhile, I think it's time for me to keep away the sewing machine for a while. Chinese New Year is almost here and it's time to do some spring cleaning! I am so thankful for my very kind friend, Susie for lending me her precious machine. (n_n)

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